The Young Living Business

The Young Living Business

Live it. Share it. Grow it.

The Young Living Business

Many of us stumbled into the business side of Young Living by accident. In fact, we like to say that we are a team of unlikely suspects. Once you love your products, you’ll naturally want to share about them with others. By becoming a Brand Partner, you can earn paychecks from Young Living when others place orders using your Referral ID. No selling, just sharing. It’s seriously the best! You can share about oils in person, by mail, or on social media.

Business or Hobby? You Decide!

Most of us signed up with Young Living just to get the products – we were never looking to build a business. However, we quickly fell in love with the products and couldn’t stop talking about them and our businesses were born naturally.


Listed below are the average paychecks earned worldwide by YL Brand Partners. Our team has achieved each of these ranks at record speed (with a lotta hard work). Yes, these numbers are real. Holy Frankincense! YL is sooo generous! We urge you to dream big, then think about which of these numbers would change your life. Let us help you get there; we know the way…


Make Clean Living Your Business

Success here looks like using your oils, falling in love with your oils, and then sharing about them in ways that feel genuine, natural, and easy. We like to say: use, love, share, and repeat. If you prefer to simply use and love your products, that’s great too! Sharing and earning paychecks is entirely optional, and there is zero pressure to ever pursue the biz.


Our team offers an abundance of support and resources to help you learn all about our products and grow your business:


When you’re ready to become a Brand Partner and earn commissions and bonuses from Young Living, simply purchase a Business Essentials Kit. This kit contains all of the tools to help get your business off to a great start. As a Young Living Brand Partner, you can earn an income from Star all the way up to RCD!

We’ll teach you how to ditch & switch the products you’re already using over to Young Living products so that you can be a “product of the product” and genuinely share about your YL lifestyle.