Rachel Wilkins



Gainesville, FL

About Me

Hey ya’ll! I’m Rachel Wilkins and I am a 21 year old college student pursuing early childhood education at the University of Florida. I’m from Citrus County, Florida and now I live with my fiancé Jake and Yorkie/Chihuahua named Samson in Gainesville. I have worked at Publix for almost four years and Young Living for a year! I love dogs, otters, kids, music, shopping, dancing, playing video games, playing beach volleyball, and of course OILS! My family is my everything and I am so blessed to have a family that loves and supports me. My dream job is to work in a kindergarten classroom. I want three children and as many dogs as I can fit in my house. 😉
My finance’s sister got me into essential oils because I wanted a natural way to deal with different ailments, as well as natural eating, cleaning, and home life. I have always hated taking medicine; my parents used to bribe me to take my medicine when I was a kid. Now instead of being bribed, I happily resort to my oils. Oils have improved my eczema, anxiety, school concentration, weight, skin, moods, periods, foods, cleaning items, immune system, etc. It’s no secret that working with students is like a battle ground of sickness; therefore, I depend on my oils to guard me from getting sick six times a year like I used to.

My Favorite Oil

My most favorite oil probably has to be Joy. Joy is a yummy mixture of Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Tangerine, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, Coriander, and ROSE! I know, I have expensive taste. This oil can change my entire demeanor from stressed and grumpy to cheery and joyful (pun intended). Before going to work, school, or literally anywhere I put Joy over my heart to keep myself in check. I usually put Joy in my diffuser bracelet or necklace with Orange to make the most lovely smell ever. That means I use Joy as a perfume as well! A girl with anxiety cannot go on without her Joy in a bottle. <3

First Oil Success

I fell in love with oils when I tried Lavender to remove a scab wound from eczema. I have dealt with eczema my whole life, itching to the point of bleeding and crying. As I got older I started to develop Nummular Eczema. My now enroller sent me a little tiny sample of lavender, which was all I needed to clean up an eczema spot that had been there for weeks. Once I got my Starter Kit, I added oils like Frankincense, Peppermint, and Tea Tree into a roller with Lavender for the best skin I have ever had in my entire life. From then on, I have always used Young Living for anything and everything!

Join Me In Hello Essentials

Hello Essentials is a secret Facebook group with thousands of people who are interested in learning more about Young Living essential oils. No sales, just oil education. If you would like to join the group, send me a Facebook message or click the "EMAIL" button below my headshot to request an invitation to the group. See you there!

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