South Africa Young Living Launch

South Africa Young Living Launch

Hello Essentials is coming to town, because Young Living is too!

Friends, countrymen, bru’s, bushmen: O lend us your ears. The day we have been waiting for is arriving on Sunday, October 27…

October 27 Young Living Launch Event (Johannesburg)
Click below to grab your tickets to the main Young Living Grand Opening event. Click the event schedule here and read all details below.


Other Local Events (throughout South Africa)
Can’t make it to the big event on October 27 in Joburg? Not to worry! We look forward meeting you on another date in another venue soon. Click below for all of our local events.


On October 27 in Johannesburg, join us for one hellova fun, jam-packed day of goodies, entertainment and education to learn all about how essential oils can impact yours and your family’s health for the better.

Our Hello Essentials team (including leaders from California) AND the Young Living corporate team, including Mary Young (the CEO of Young Living) Jared Turner (the President), and a whole bunch of other wonderful and talented corporate staff will all be heading to South Africa to love on you and share their passion and drive for these essential oils.

This event is definitely not one to be missed, so make all the plans, prepare the babies bottles, cancel that lunch date and head on over to the Indaba hotel in Johannesburg for an experience that will leave you feeling excited, invigorated and ready to jump on this oily train (and even if you’re not, that’s okay, come enjoy the learning, the music, the vibe and connecting with incredible people who all want a healthier lifestyle).

Spoiler alert, Bo from Denim and Loyiso will be performing. However, we LOVE surprises and have a ton in store for you, but we also understand you wanting to be assured you’re getting your monies worth, so for the skeptics out there, this is for you:

R150 gets you into the Young Living event and R100 gets you a VIP pass for the day with Team Hello Essentials and includes the following:

  • Sniff, sample and experience a range of essential oils
  • Enjoy delicious oil-infused treats
  • Meet our wonderful local & international team leaders
  • Get spoiled, hand make a non-toxic, oil-infused product which you will take home with you (this one is a surprise!)
  • Join us for lunch and refreshments (yup, included with this VIP!)
  • Learn about essential oils and the basics of our brilliant business #sharingiscaring
  • There will also be amazing raffles and free giveaways including a chance to win a diffuser and some essential oils!
  • Each guest will leave smelling like a dream and having an exclusive oily goody bag in hand.

Young Living of course also has some really fun things in store for you to ensure its a jol on the day, Hello Essentials plans to add to the vibe and welcome you to our tribe.

If you seriously cannot make the date of Oct 27th, because you just REALLY can’t bear to leave your new puppy for a few hours on the day (that’s the only excuse we see as fitting here), then there will be plenty of other future opportunities for you to meet fellow oilers and ask questions about all things related to Young Living now that we are officially launching in South Africa and will have corporate offices and a warehouse here on the ground!

So join us to learn all about how easy and fun it is to integrate essential oils into your daily life for increased health & wellness. You’ll hear about how the seeds are planted on our global farms, to how oils are distilled into these bottles in which you refer to as your best friends because they have become that special!

Grab your tickets now rather than seeing pics on #latergram and wishing you had been there…

*If you can’t attend any of these events in-person, and would like to learn more online, check out our Facebook education group called “There’s an Oil for That – Healthy Living with Essential Oils“.



